The Big Bang by Saskia Boddeke
Big Bang is a one hour show displayed on and in front of the the Centre facade of the Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw. It consists of light show, projections, animations from Second Life , live performances, film fragments and 250 Polish amateur and professional dancers.
"Big Bang is an exploration of basic questions about the creation of the universe, about "why there is something?". It is a search of Susa Bubble - an animated Second-life character - to answer the questions: Why are we here? What is it all about? Where are we going? But what puzzles her most is: Why is there something? Why is there not nothing? To find an answer these questions we haven chosen seven world mythic accounts of creation. Mythologies from China, New Zealand, Mayan, African ,Greek and Israel. We end with our most recent “myth”: The Big Bang. These myths are represented by the animation of Second life and Real life footage, light show, live performance, and film fragments. We tell the stories contained in these myths, and show the contradictions in these myths. The answer is not in the stories, but we should celebrate the fact “that there is something" - according to Saskia Boddeke.
My role: Picture researcher and assistant to the director